출발 시간 5:00 부터 6:30 까지
Start between 5:00 am and 6:30 am
시간 제한 Time limit 75h 00m
요금 : 60,000원. 요금에는 드롭백 서비스가 포함되어 있습니다.
Fee: 60,000 won. The fee includes dropbag service.
부산시 기장군 정관읍 모전1길 78 1층 우48220 (Mike Bike)
Dropbag service is available in Seoul. The bag must arrive latest on Sep 30,
Seoul, Gangdong-gu, Cheonjung-ro 24 Q36.5 postcode 05245 tel. 010-3709-9424
CAUTION: The maximum size is that of a post office box #3, 34cm x 26cm x 22cm.
In Seoul, the staff will take care of sending the bag to your home address after the event.